5000 Prize Giving GGR
"I was really thrilled to present the prize to Kirsten last night and whilst the GGR is certainly not about the prize money we hope it helps her with her ongoing plans. From the moment she left Sables-d’Olonne until the moment she returned, Kirsten has simply demonstrated superb seamanship throughout!"
Neil Chapman Boatshed.com Founder
Why 5000 pounds?
In the first race the 5000 pound prize was awarded to Sir Robin Knox Johnson, who subsequently gave the money to the Crowhurst family following the loss of Donald and the tragic circumstances that occured during the original Golden Globe race.
The whole idea of the race is to keep it authentic so the 5000 gbp prize is another great example of this philosophy.
What is the GGR ?
Like the original Sunday Times event, the Golden Globe Race is very simple: Depart from Les Sables-d’Olonne, France and sail solo, non-stop around the world, via the five Great Capes and return to Les Sables-d’Olonne.
What are the aims of the GGR and why does Boatshed support them ?
-To create a unique ‘RETRO’ non-stop solo around the world yacht race, in the image of the original Sunday Times Golden Globe that draws sailors back to the Golden Age of ‘one sailor, one boat’ facing the great oceans of the world.
-To organise a race where the adventure takes precedence over winning at all costs.
-To professionally manage an event where the sailor’s skill and traditional seamanship alone, rather than modern technology or support crews, gets them home and where the achievement truly belongs to the skipper.
-To give sailors of all ages an opportunity to race solo around the world safely, in a fleet of similar and affordable yachts in the spirit of Suhaili.
Boatshed.com are proud to be sponsors of the GGR and continue to support the whole GGR team and race competitors now and for future events.
Thanks GGR team for the images :)